Hey Folks, this episode is a recap of the 2022 Lost Battalion Tours Meuse-Argonne Tour and of my four weeks in France. It’s unscripted, so forewarned is forearmed: there is a good amount of umms and uhhs in there, and I apparently say “okay?” a lot now. There is, however, a lot of joy in telling you about my adventures in France.
Lost Battalion Tours – Get on our mailing list!
Email: lostbattaliontours@gmail.com
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If you’re visiting the Ypres area, please get in touch with Roger Steward of Ypres Battlefields Tours:
Email: ypresbattlefieldtours@gmail.com
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ypresbattlefieldtours.be
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ypresbattlefieldtours/
Link to Roger’s book, “Studentenfriedhof to Soldatenfriedhof: A History of the Langemark German Cemetery and self-guided tour:”
Link: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59249678-studentenfriedhof-to-soldatenfriedhof
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Any questions, comments or concerns please contact me through the website, www.firstworldwarpodcast.com. Follow us on Twitter at @WW1podcast, the Battles of the First World War Podcast page on FaceBook, and on Instagram at @WW1battlecast. Not into social media? Email me directly at verdunpodcast@gmail.com. Please consider reviewing the Battles of the First World War Podcast on iTunes.
Check out this episode!